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Lorem ipsum dolor amet
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Visitor Information

Neland Church is located at 940 Neland Avenue, SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan. The parking lot is accessible from Alto Avenue. Street parking is also available. There are four entrances to the church building, including two off of the parking lot and two off of Neland Avenue.

Office Hours are held Monday through Friday.  If you stop by during office hours, ring the bell by the main entrance (by the parking lot) and someone will greet you and buzz you into the church. Office hours are:  

  • Mondays: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  • Tuesdays: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  • Wednesdays: 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
  • Thursdays: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  • Fridays: By appointment, before Noon.

Church staff are present at other times, too, but please call the office ahead of time to make an appointment or let us know that you are planning to stop by.  

Refreshments are served in the Lobby after the morning worship service. Come join us, check out Ministry News and events at the Ministry Center, and engage in fellowship with members and friends.

Household and Visitor Potlucks are held at 12:15 September through April. All visitors are invited to join and enjoy the hospitality of Neland Church.

Library facilities are available every Sunday morning, with an excellent selection of books for both adults and children in a wide variety of categories. The library is located on the lower level.

A variety of Fellowship opportunities exist for both members and visitors.

Visiting with Children

We welcome children! They are an important part of our worshipping community. All children are welcome to stay through the entire worship service and for fellowship time after the service.

Nursery Care is provided for children during the morning services. The nursery is located on the upper level.

Children ages 3 to first grade begin the service sitting with their families and leave during the children’s blessing.

  • Beginners (3 & 4 year olds) meet for Church School for a story, singing and craft during the worship service. Children are to be picked up at the conclusion of the morning service.
  • Children and Worship: Kindergarteners and First Graders are invited to worship in the Children and Worship Center, a “special place to be with God”. Here they worship in an age-appropriate way, through prayer, singing, and Bible stories. They wonder together about, respond to, and then work with the Bible stories. Children are dismissed at 12:10 pm.

Church School for 2nd – 8th grade: Church School provides children instruction in the Bible and Christian faith following the worship service until 12:10 pm.

Catechism students in Grades 9 – 11 learn about the reformed tradition and the doctrines of the Christian Reformed Church.


Neland’s parking lot contains numerous accessible parking spaces, including van-accessible spots. These parking spaces are adjacent to Neland’s main accessible entrance. This entrance leads to the elevator. The southern entrance off of Neland Avenue is also accessible.

Restrooms on all levels of the church are accessible.

Several pews in the sanctuary are designed to accommodate wheelchairs, walkers and other assistive devices. These are located in the southeastern area of the sanctuary close to the door nearest the elevator.

Large Print Bibles and Hymnals 
Large Print hymnals and Bibles are available at the back of the sanctuary and from the ushers.

Accessibility2Hearing Assistance
Neland Church is equipped with a T-Coil / Loop Assistive Listening System.