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Donate to Neland

Gifts of time, talent, and treasure made to Neland Avenue CRC are an act of worship and can be made in many different ways. 

One of the ways we participate in the life of the church is through giving our resources to kingdom causes. At Neland Avenue CRC we do that in a variety of ways. Our main General Fund provides resources for the operation of our local congregations (staff, building, programs, etc.) as well as our broader church through ministry shares. Our Christian Education Fund provides support for families who choose to send their children to a Christian K-12 school. The Mission Fund supports missionaries around the country and world. Finally, the Benevolence Fund is used by the deacons to meet the short-term financial needs of members and neighbors. Additionally, the deacons designate a special cause (other non-profits) each Sunday that builds God's kingdom in a particular way.

Gifts are collected in a variety of ways:

  • Regular Sunday collections during the worship service. Members have envelopes they can use to communicate how the funds in the envelope should be disbursed. To receive envelopes for donation, contact Loose offerings in the collections are designated for either the General Fund or a special cause.
  • An automatic withdrawal from your checking or savings account is offered as an optional way to give. Additional gifts for particular causes can still be made when collections are received during the worship services. To sign up for automatic donations you can download the form here, or pick up a copy in the church office. Forms can be returned to the church office or the assistant treasurer. Automatic donations are reported as part of your year-end giving statement. If you have questions about the process, contact the assistant treasurer.
  • Gifts can also be made by mail and can be allotted to any regular fund and any other designated fund. Checks should be payable to Neland Avenue Christian Reformed Church and mailed to: Neland Ave CRC, 940 Neland Avenue SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507.
  • Online giving provides a convenient way to give. This convenience comes at a cost of 2.6% plus $0.39 per credit card transaction or 0.75% plus $0.39 per checking/savings account withdrawal. There is an option to add 2.5% to your gift or you can simply add the percentage to the general fund. Here is the link:

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